
Waste paper price indicators for paper recycling in domestic UK mills

2016 £ per tonne ex worksJanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecember
Mixed papers47 - 5540 - 5243 - 5448 - 6250 - 6255 - 6465 - 7575 - 8270 - 8068 - 8068 - 7866 - 76
Old KLS (cardboard)65 - 7568 - 7870 - 8174 - 8375 - 8376 - 8578 - 9585 - 10582 - 10082 - 10082 - 9779 - 94
News and pams65 - 7065 - 7068 - 7368 - 7573 - 7877 - 8287 - 9595 - 10595 - 10290 - 10085 - 9584 - 90
Over-issue news80 - 8782 - 8787 - 9290 - 9593 - 9896 - 102110 - 117120 - 128125 - 135120 - 130117 - 125115 - 122
Sorted office waste126 - 131126 - 132126 - 134133 - 137136 - 141136 - 141140 - 143140 - 148142 - 147150 - 158156 - 161160 - 165
Coloured best pams118 - 123117 - 121117 - 121120 - 125124 - 126125 - 127130 - 132130 - 135133 - 137142 - 46146 - 150150 - 157
Multigrade107 - 112108 - 112110 - 115115 - 120119 - 123123 - 126129 - 133130 - 140136 - 143145 - 150150 - 155155 - 160
Light letter130 - 135133 - 136135 - 140136 - 143141 - 146145 - 148148 - 152150 - 155152 - 157155 - 163165 - 170165 - 170
White letter173 - 178175 - 180182 - 187185 - 190195 - 205195 - 205200 - 212205 - 215207 - 217210 - 220218 - 225220 - 227
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