If you are an obligated company you have a legal responsibility to register with the relevant Agency and pay towards the costs of recovery and recycling of the packaging you place on the market.
Alternatively you can register with a packaging producer compliance scheme, which will take on the legal obligations imposed by the Packaging Waste legislation on your behalf. This would include, for example, ensuring that your data is as accurate as is reasonably possible, as required by the Regulations.
There are currently 27 companies providing packaging producer compliance services in the UK, many of which have duplicate schemes in England (EA), Wales (NRW) as well as Northern Ireland (NIEA) and Scotland (SEPA). The total number of schemes currently registered stands at 50.
Producer compliance schemes are obligated to:
- Meet the recovery and recycling obligations for all their members, and Consumer Information Obligations where applicable
- Submit a yearly statement of compliance confirming how they have met their members’ recovery and recycling obligations and Consumer Information Obligations
- Give advice and guidance to their members about waste packaging recycling and recovery responsibilities to ensure they fulfil their duties
For the most up-to-date list of schemes, please visit the Environment Agency’s National Packaging Waste Database.