Ferrous scrap 2020 £ per tonneJanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecember
0A plate & girder150 - 155140 - 145105 - 140130 - 136130 - 136145 - 150140 - 145150 - 155160 - 165155 - 160160 - 165180 - 190
No 1 old steel scrap135 - 140125 - 13090 - 125115 - 120115 - 120125 - 135125 - 135135 - 145145 - 155145 - 150145 - 150165 - 175
No 2 old steel scrap125 - 130115 - 12085 - 115105 - 110105 - 110115 - 120115 - 120125 - 130135 - 140130 - 135135 - 140160 - 165
5c light iron85 - 9570 - 8040 - 7540 - 6050 - 7060 - 8060 - 8070 - 9085 - 10085 - 9595 - 103105 - 120
7B turnings75 - 8065 - 7535 - 7030 - 3540 - 4535 - 4540 - 4545 - 5055 - 6555 - 6560 - 6585 - 90
8B mixed steel cuttings130 - 135115 - 12085 - 120100 - 105110 - 115120 - 130120 - 130130 - 140140 - 150140 - 150150 - 155170 - 175
9-10 cast100 - 10585 - 9055 - 8075 - 8585 - 9090 - 10090 - 95100 - 105100 - 10595 - 100105 - 110125 - 130
Cars85 - 9070 - 7540 - 7045 - 5550 - 6060 - 7565 - 7575 - 9085 - 9785 - 9590 - 100110 - 120
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