2022 £ per tonneJanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecember
Glass (remelt)45 - 9545 - 6560 - 7580 - 9690 - 120110 - 130120 - 150125 - 150150 - 220150 - 210115 - 150110 - 120
Glass (aggregate)10 - 1510 - 1510 - 1512 - 2230 - 5555 - 7050 - 75100 - 130140 - 175150 - 170110 - 130100 - 125
Paper2 - 42 - 32 - 45 - 1111 - 1410 - 1410 - 1730 - 3520 - 3021 - 4021 - 4044 - 49
Aluminium7.50 - 157 - 1112 - 2018 - 3335 - 5045 - 6560 - 100120 - 150180 - 22080 - 22080 - 110110 - 150
Steel7.50 - 148 - 1210 - 2018 - 3030 - 3525 - 3330 - 4030 - 4045 - 7575 - 10075 - 10080 - 120
Plastics65 - 9560 - 7575 - 170130 - 185165 - 240230 - 265190 - 260180 - 300280 - 315310 - 395350 - 425370 - 425
Wood2 - 42 - 32 - 32 - 47 - 138 - 129 - 1620 - 2520 - 2823 - 3536 - 4440 - 50

*Due to a previous typographical error the November plastic PRN figure has been amended from £310/395 to 350/425.

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