2018 £ per tonneJanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecember
Glass (remelt)12.25 - 1312.50 - 13.2512.50 - 13.5013.50 - 14.2513.50 - 14.5014 - 1514.50 - 15.5015 - 1715 - 16.5015.50 - 1820 - 4020 - 45*
Glass (aggregate)11.75 - 12.5012.25 - 12.5012 - 12.7512.50 - 13.2513.00 - 14.2513 - 14.5014.50 - 15.0015 - 1713.50 - 1615.50 - 1820 - 3820 - 45*
Paper1.25 - 1.751.50 - 2.302.25 - 3.505 - 5.756 - 77 - 1114 - 1615 - 16.5015.50 - 16.5015.50 - 1916 - 2212 - 18
Aluminium9 - 10.509.25 - 10.5010 - 1518 - 2120 - 2320 - 2427 - 3240 - 5030 - 5540 - 8550 - 15050 - 150
Steel5 - 65 - 65 - 6.505.50 - 6.507.50 - 8.009 - 1114 - 1615 - 1815 - 1715 - 1915 - 2211 - 22
Plastics60 - 6258 - 6260 - 61.5060 - 6560 - 6360 - 6362 - 63.5063.50 - 7268 - 7270 - 7474 - 9095 - 105
Recovery0.35 - 0.450.35 - 0.450.40 - 0.700.40 - 0.650.45 - 0.650.45 - 0.700.55 - 0.700.45 - 0.600.50 - 0.700.50 - 0.700.50 - 0.800.80 - 1.20
Wood7.50 - 9.507.50 - 10.5010 - 1318 - 2524 - 27.5025 - 3441 - 5555 - 6565 - 7065 - 7355 - 6540 - 55
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