2019 £ per tonneJanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecember
Glass (remelt)20 - 2925 - 3025 - 2924 - 2820 - 2523 - 2518 - 2417 - 2317 - 2115 - 1911 - 1510 - 13
Glass (aggregate)20 - 2925 - 3025 - 2924 - 2820 - 2520 - 2317 - 2016 - 1916 - 1814 - 16.5010 - 149 - 13
Paper12 - 1514 - 1717 - 2317 - 2216 - 2020 - 2317 - 229 - 166.50 - 104 - 93.50 - 5.501 - 5
Aluminium50 - 8555 - 7555 - 8575 - 10580 - 140140 - 160180 - 275100 - 350350 - 450430 - 465440 - 520250 - 520
Steel15 - 1815 - 1818 - 2321 - 2621 - 3130 - 3223 - 3022 - 2930 - 4025 - 4514 - 2515 - 20
Plastics105 - 115110 - 120125 - 175165 - 190185 - 230250 - 450180 - 360300 - 465375 - 450295 - 415290 - 375290 - 320
Recovery0.50 - 0.700.50 - 0.700.55 - 0.900.50 - 0.900.60 - 0.90.60 - 1.00.60 - 1.000.90 - 1.00.70 - 1,00.70 - 1.00.50 - .95.60 - 1.00
Wood35 - 5540 - 4840 - 5025 - 5017 - 2520 - 2415 - 2110 - 1610 - 158 - 134 - 101 - 6
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