Plastic bottles prices £ per tonne 2015JanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecember
Clear and light blue PET105 - 145110 - 150120 - 160120 - 160120 - 160130 - 170130 - 165100 - 13590 - 12590 - 12590 - 12090 - 120
Coloured PET30 - 4035 - 5040 - 5040 - 5040 - 5050 - 6050 - 6040 - 5030 - 4030 - 4030 - 4030 - 40
HDPE natural340 - 390350 - 400350 - 400355 - 405360 - 410375 - 420375 - 415340 - 390320 - 365320 - 365300 - 350290 - 340
HDPE mixed colour140 - 150150 - 160150 - 160150 - 160155 - 165155 - 165150 - 160145 - 155130 - 140130 - 140130 - 140130 - 140
Mixed65 - 10570 - 11070 - 11070 - 11080 - 12080 - 12080 - 12050 - 9035 - 7535 - 7535 - 7535 - 75
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