2015 £ per tonne export pricesJanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJuly AugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecember
Mixed papers47 - 5546 - 5245 - 5046 - 5347 - 5755 - 6660 - 7360 - 6855 - 6755 - 7155 - 6955 - 62
Old KLS (cardboard)77 - 8074 - 7878 - 8079 - 8282 - 9086 - 9283 - 9182 - 8781 - 8680 - 8580 - 8481 - 84
News and pams75 - 8073 - 7850 - 6257 - 6265 - 7570 - 7570 - 8073 - 8073 - 8271 - 8071 - 7871 - 78
OIN Over issue news----80 - 9582 - 9285 - 9585 - 9586 - 9680 - 8580 - 8581 - 86
Multigrade127 - 130125 - 128125 - 128125 - 128127 - 130128 - 131127 - 130124 - 127123 - 126115 - 120108 - 116107 - 114
White letter180 - 190185 - 195190 - 200190 - 200190 - 200195 - 200195 - 205190 - 200190 - 200190 - 200190 - 200185 - 195
Best white 2220 - 230220 - 230220 - 230220 - 230220 - 230225 - 230230 - 240230 - 240230 - 240225 - 235225 - 235225 - 235
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