2023 £ per tonneJanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecember
Open Air Windrow-22 - -35-22 - -37-22 - -37-22 - -35-22 - -35-20 - -33-20 - -33-18 - -31-18 - -35--20 - -35-19 - -35-19 - -35
In Vessel (IVC)-40 - -52-42 - -54-42 - -54-40 - -52-40 - -52-38 - -50-38 - -50-36 - -48-36 - -48-38 - -50-38 - -50-38 - -50
Anaerobic Digestion (AD)*25 - 025 - 025 - 025 - 025 - 027 - 027 - 027 - 027 - 028 - -328 - -228 - -2

* The positive number indicates that the supplier of the food waste could be paid for the food waste rather than being charged a gate fee

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