
London Recycling Fund provides 4.1m for recycling and composting facilities

Round four of the London Recycling Fund, the 21.3 million set aside for the Capital from DEFRA's 140m National Waste Minimisation and Recycling Fund, has been announced.

Launched in April 2002, the fund has been administered by a partnership between the London Mayor, the Greater London Authority, the Association of London Government and London Waste Action. Just over 4 million has been given out in this round, bringing the total so far given out to 17 million.

The round four awards include 2 million for a partnership between the London Borough of Sutton and Thames Waste Management for a closed vessel composting plant. This will be used for at least 12 years and will be available for use by neighbouring boroughs.

There is also 1.5 million on offer to three boroughs to expand kerbside recycling, 404,000 for the development by the Waste Recycling Group of a civic amenity site in Southwark and 160,000 for Westminster to establish recycling bins to tackle litter from the streets.

Commenting on the award, London Mayor Ken Livingstone said: “As well as some basic improvements to recycling services there have been some innovative ideas and exciting partnership projects coming through to the fund and it is encouraging to see the ideas and enthusiasm in the waste authorities. The money will go some way to improving recycling in London, we still have a long way to go but we are getting there.”

The round four allocation was as follows:

Award ()


expanding kerbside recycling


expanding kerbside recycling


expanding kerbside recycling


development of a CA site
North London borough partnership


furniture re-use programme


recycling of litter programme


closed vessel compost plant

4.1 million


  • Click here
    to download an Excel document with details of all the allocations from the London Recycling Fund so far (rounds one to four inclusive).

There will be three more rounds to distribute the remaining 4 million in the Fund. Round five will be announced in early February 2003, and the deadline for round six applications is January 16, 2003.

The way in which the London Recycling Fund is organised means that applicants seeking grants must already secure their own funds to match their requested total. The Fund is also being concentrated on projects to boost London's recycling capacity in order to get the most value out of the 21.3m on offer. These funds may be from anywhere, including Landfill Tax Credits, EU grants, council budgets or private and public sector partnerships.

“The way we're dealing with the fund is different from the way the government handed out the 140m fund to the rest of England,” the Fund's project director, Simon Read, told letsrecycle.com. “We're not just dealing with the money we have to offer, we're asking people to come up with their own money to match it.”

He continued: “We're encouraging boroughs to get involved in strategic partnerships and we're trying to build capacity in boroughs so they can do more with the money. In this way, we're hoping to double the value of the fund.”

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