
‘Interim’ EPR steering group named

The members of the ‘interim’ scheme administrator steering group for the UK’s extended producer responsibility (EPR) for packaging scheme have been named.

The purpose of the EPR scheme administrator steering group is to bring together representatives of the value chain directly affected by the scheme, enabling their voices within the operational design, implementation, and strategic direction of the SA ahead of its appointment.

Defra began recruiting for the interim scheme in September (see letsrecycle.com story), explaining that explained that for the first 12 months of the scheme, due to begin in 2025, the steering group will play the role of an an interim administrator.

Defra said the interim group will “support the design, establishment, and mobilisation of the packaging EPR scheme. It will play a critical role in the formation of the Scheme Administrator and future improvements in its design and development”.


The Interim Steering Group includes an Independent Chair, Sebastian Munden, and representatives from across the sector including:

Government Officials:

  • Rhodri Asby (Welsh Government)
  • Angela Murphy (Defra)
  • Janice Harris (Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs of Northern Ireland – DAERA)
  • David McPhee (Scottish Government)

Local Authority Representation (Local Government Associations):

  • Silke Isbrand (Convention of Scottish Local Authorities – COSLA)
  • Craig Mitchell (Welsh Local Government Association – WLGA
  • Eamon Lally (Local Government Association – LGA)
  • Karen Smyth (Northern Ireland Local Government Association – NILGA)


  • Luke Emery (Aldi)
  • Karen Graley (Marks and Spencer)
  • Sokhna Gueye (Nestle)
  • Luiz Brandão (Budweiser)
  • Jim Bligh (Food and Drink Federation – FDF)
  • Andrew Tighe (British Beer and Pub Association)
  • Paul Vanston (Industry Council for Packaging and the Environment – Incpen)
  • Talia Goldman (Colpac)
  • Ian Percival (British Retail Consortium – BRC)
  • Irasema Hernandez Elvira (Roche)
  • Catherine Marsdon (Booker)
  • Robbie Staniforth (Ecosurety)

Waste Management Organisation:

  • Corinna Reynolds (Veolia)

Environmental Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) – Job Share:

  • Paula Chin (World Wide Fund for Nature – WWF)
  • Libby Peake (Green Alliance)

The first meeting is scheduled for early February and the group will run until until December 2024, coinciding with the start of the formal governance arrangements within the Scheme Administrator.

‘Industry experience’

A Defra spokesperson said: “This interim steering group will bring together representatives from across the sector to participate in the operational design, implementation and strategic direction of the Scheme Administrator for the Extended Producer Responsibility for Packaging Scheme.

“We will use the industry experience, knowledge and skills of this group to build a world class scheme for packaging which works for industry, local government and waste management and meets our shared environmental goals.”


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