The Agency plans comes in the wake of growing concern about airborne micro-organisms from composting operations.
The guidance note will contain reference to the environmental impacts of composting, including dust, noise, odour, and the micro organisms.
The guidance notes are likely to become basic tools used by Agency officials in applying legislation to composting operations.
Referring to the government’s waste strategy, Mr Miller said that the Landfill Directive will require a reduction in biodegradable municipal waste (BMW) to landfill of not more than 35% of 1995 BMW by 2020. This will require the processing of between 6-15 million tonnes of material depending on the definition of BMW and the growth rate of waste generation and development of alternative waste treatment technologies.
“Nevertheless, it has to be recognised that composting can have adverse effects on the environment and these operations, particularly large-scale facilities, require careful control.
“Currently there is no independent guidance on the composting of organic wastes.”
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