
General Election presents ‘golden opportunity’ for sector

With prime minister Rishi Sunak announcing a general election on 4 July 2024, organisations within the sector have been sharing what they think.

Katie Cockburn, senior director of policy and education from CIWM has said that irrespective of the outcome of the election, she believes that the incoming government has a “golden opportunity” to fast-track the UK’s net zero ambitions “by prioritising policies that support the creation of a more resource efficient and circular economy”.

Cockburn added that improved collaboration between government departments, sector bodies and businesses has the potential to create green jobs, enhance skills and boost social mobility.

CIWM has called for the government to prioritise four key areas: Resource efficiency across government, improved collaboration, aligning of fiscal policy with resource efficiency and circular economy principles, and the continuation of the Green Jobs Delivery Group.


The Association for Renewable Energy and Clean Technology (REA) has said that the decision offers a “crucial opportunity” to advance the renewable energy agenda and address the “pressing issue of climate change”.

Rollo Maschietto, public affairs manager, REA, said: “The upcoming election is a pivotal moment for the UK. The next administration will make decisions that will determine whether we meet our net zero targets or fall short. The only way to ensure enduring energy security and an affordable energy system is by ending our reliance on volatile imported fossil fuels by moving to renewables and clean technologies.

“It is thanks to our members that the wider renewable and low carbon sector has grown, whilst delivering more value, resilient energy security, and developing the economy. This election is a chance for voters to prioritise climate action and for politicians to demonstrate their commitment to a greener future.”

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