
ACE UK launches ‘Carton Ready’ campaign

The trade association ACE UK, which represents carton manufacturers,  has unveiled its “carton ready” campaign, which it says will “support Simpler Recycling reforms” in England.

The Simpler Recycling reforms highlight that all households in England will be able to recycle food, drink, and other cartons from 31 March 2026

The campaign offers resources and advice to help local authorities in England implement liquid cartons collections. Its resources published today include Carton Ready Implementation toolkit which provides step by step guidance for local authorities.

News of the campaign was unveiled in an opinion piece on letsrecycle.com yesterday (5 February).

ACE UK’s toolkit also contains information on best practice from local authorities that have set up successful kerbside collection for liquid cartons.

The Simpler Recycling reforms highlight that all households in England will be able to recycle food, drink, and other cartons from 31 March 2026. The trade body states that this is a move it welcomes as it brings an end to the current “fragmented system”.

In the 2021 consistency in household and business recycling collections in England consultation, 60% of respondents responded that they supported the inclusion of cartons in recycling collections.

However, according to ACE UK only two thirds of councils currently offer liquid carton collections.


Mandy Kelly, senior recycling manager at ACE UK said: “We want the Government’s Simpler Recycling reforms to be a success, and we know that some local authorities will need help to update their existing processes to comply with the new requirements. The ACE UK team is ready to support local authorities to adapt to these changes, working with their local waste management contractors to rapidly develop their carton collection, sorting, and recycling infrastructure.

“That’s why we’ve launched our new Carton Ready campaign to help local authorities and waste managers successfully implement the reforms ahead of the implementation date.”


The Alliance for Beverage Cartons and the Environment (ACE) UK is the UK trade association for food and drink cartons and represents Tetra Pak, Elopak, SIG Combibloc, manufacturers of food, drink and other liquid cartons for the UK market.

It is also supported by BillerudKorsnäs and Stora Enso, which produce about 98% of the paperboard used by ACE UK members to manufacture food, drink and other liquid cartons in Europe.

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