WEBINAR – 1.30-3PM
The aim of the DRS it to increase capture of drinks containers for recycling. Consumers will pay a small deposit on items such as PET plastic drinks bottles, which can then be refunded at a retailer return point or reverse vending machine. It is planned to be implemented in England in 2023.
The evidence generated from the first consultation for a DRS in 2019 have informed this second round, the result of which will have an impact on packaging producers placing drinks containers on the market or importing them into the UK.
The consultation is due to close on 4 June 2021. It is open to responses from anyone, not just technical experts, and it is crucial there is a wide range of respondents with an equal representation of views to achieve the best regulatory outcome.
This webinar, run by Ecosurety head of innovation and policy Robbie Staniforth, will provide an overview of what you need to know about the key objectives and proposals outlined in the consultation, with an opportunity to ask questions at the end.
Who is it for?
This webinar will be essential viewing for all producers placing drinks container packaging on the marke