
How software has helped LAs deliver services during the pandemic, and how it will play a part in delivering in the future

Date 29 September 2020
Location Online

Contact Daniella Thomas

Phone 02076334500

The Government’s recognition of waste and recycling as a key sector emphasises the vital role it plays in modern society. Throughout the crisis, local authorities and service providers worked tirelessly to ensure a baseline level of service was maintained and the UK’s waste continued to be managed safely and responsibly at all times. As lockdown restrictions start to ease, and we work towards a new kind of ‘normal’, it’s sensible to take the opportunity to reflect on recent events.

One of the most striking observations has been the speed at which decisions have been made and how quickly these have impacted organisations’ (and society’s) ability to operate. The rapid adaptation this required was undoubtedly far easier for those organisations with robust and flexible I.T. systems.

Using real life examples, representatives from Lewes and Eastbourne Councils and Whitespace Work Software will explore some the difficulties local councils face when it comes to waste management, what can be done to reduce the risk of any disruption to their processes and what exciting innovations the future may hold.

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