SMi’s 12th Annual Energy from Waste conference will look at the impact of energy regulations and government policy on the UK market. The financing future beyond Public Private Partnerships and Private Finance Initiatives will be focused on alongside projects within Europe and further afield. Plus, industry experts will share their experiences of mature and emerging markets and new opportunities through technologies and feedstock availability.
Given the recent political climates, changes in financing and funding opportunities, and the increasing need for greener infrastructure, the fundamental foundations of the Energy from Waste industry are changing. The 2019 conference will address these changes while also looking at the challenges and solutions international markets have faced regarding Energy from Waste projects and technologies.
Key Highlights this December:
- Learn about the Renewable Transport Fuel Obligation and UK’s fuel challenges
- Understand what the future holds for the waste to fuels market
- Discuss the global opportunities in the Energy from Waste market
- Waste-to-Energy in China: Key Challenges and Opportunities
- Explore the financing mechanisms available to invest in the next generation of waste infrastructure
- Gain a comprehensive update on the how to make the most of Energy from Waste in today’s European Energy Policy environment