
Sector reactions: The Kings Speech

While Defra secretary of state Steve Reed has noted that a zero waste economy was a “priority”, the King’s Speech failed to make any mention any of recycling and waste reforms. It did however reference the increased investment in Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF).

Michael Topham, Biffa CEO, welcomed the plans around green infrastructure and secure energy: “Although the King’s Speech did not contain specific legislation about waste, recycling or the circular economy, there are key policies already in play such as the Plastic Tax, Simpler Recycling, Extended Producer Responsibility and the Deposit Return Scheme that the industry is working with the Government to implement. What we need now is a period of certainty to enable the waste sector to deliver the investment it needs.

“Overall, we were pleased to see a focus on delivering green infrastructure and secure energy, and we look forward to seeing further detail on what this may mean for energy from waste, sustainable aviation fuels, electrification of fleets and other alternative fuels.”

Although Dr Adam Read MBE, chief sustainability and external affairs officer at Suez recycling and recovery UK, is keen to work with the new government on green skills, he cited the lack of reforms as a missed opportunity: “We welcome the new government’s commitment to introduce legislation to accelerate the UK’s transition to clean energy and transform how we train the next generation. Our sector stands ready to work in close partnership with Skills England and new Ministers to develop a workforce fit for the future and ensure the UK has the green skills needed to drive growth and productivity. We were also encouraged to hear the Prime Minister’s commitment to deliver a modern industrial strategy, unlocking vital infrastructure investment across the UK.

“However, today was a missed opportunity to bring forward vital reforms for our sector. We are calling for urgent action from the government to set out new proposals for more effective and consistent local collections, making it easier for millions of people to recycle everyday household items. We look forward to working with the new government to reach a zero-waste economy, which will protect the UK’s natural environment and drive clean growth.”

Encyclis CEO, Owen Michaelson, insisted that carbon capture and storage projects have a big part to play in net zero.  “The King’s Speech recognises the urgency of the climate challenge and contains measures to promote faster action. This paves the way for great policy certainty and will encourage both the public and private investment that’s necessary for the UK to achieve its net zero targets. Energy-from-Waste is part of the solution to help drive that transition, with the potential for carbon capture and storage (CCS) to cut emissions.

“Our Protos Energy Recovery Facility, being constructed in Cheshire, is poised to be the first in the UK with full-scale CCS capabilities. We are working closely with the Department for energy security and net zero to make that happen, and welcome the new government’s commitment to green infrastructure and clean energy. This is a time to look forward with optimism.”

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