

CarTakeBack.com is the largest network of vehicle manufacturer approved Authorised Treatment Facilities in the UK, ensuring a first class car buying and scrap car recycling service in strict accordance with the End of Life Vehicle regulations. CarTakeBack hit the 95% recycling rate ahead of legislation and have done so each year since.


E-mail info@cartakeback.com

Phone 08000 71 71 91


Bankfield House
Bankfield Mill
Regent Road
L20 8RQ

CarTakeBack offers its network of ATFs the use of its state of the art Financial and Data System, which allows the issue of online Certificates of Destruction as well as covering all recycling target obligations and reporting these directly to BIS on an annual basis.

Members also have the opportunity to join CarTakeBack’s vehicle referral schemes, CarTakeBack Collect and CarTakeBack Drive-In.

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